We Understand
the Problem

We have been taking care of patients and helping those who support them from coast to coast with both care and code. We hear the same themes getting in the way of optimal care all the time – things like: 

The data is there, I just don’t have the time to access it! Isn’t there a tech solution that could just get me what I need when I need it?

I spend so much time clicking and clicking in the EMR, I miss the days that I could make eye contact with patients. But I also know I need the data to inform my care decisions.

Sometimes it’s hard not to succumb to burnout. I see so much potential to improve healthcare but the complexity bogs and slows everything down. We need something that can simplify and change the game.

With all the modern solutions and great things that EMR technology brings, I wish that it would allow me to just see what is happening and has happened to the patient I’m caring for at my fingertips without spending 10s of minutes hunting and clicking for answers.

Our IT department is great, but they are busy too. I wish that I could do most of the design for how a process of care ought to run and then let the tech just work to make it happen.

We know what to do, we are clinicians! But the software needs to let us do what we do best and assist and empower us to do it. When we figure that out as an industry, it will be something special.

I love analytics, I really do. But do you know what I really want? I just want to get the information relevant to caring for my patient when I need it in near real time at the point of care. Until I have that – the analytics seem less important.

I’ve sat through so many vendor meetings, asking for the same thing, but it seems the answers are always the same: Analytics! New data sources! Everything but what I really want – actionable, accurate information at the point of care.

“Imagine running a race, but instead of the water station being right there to pick up while you run, you need to stop, leave the course, and pick up a water bottle from a nearby gas station. This is too often what it feels like when we are providing care for patients and need to dig in our data systems to find information while we are caring for patients – possible but ridiculously inconvenient.”
The Problem Diagram

The SaVia Health Solution

Water is supplied to a runner where and when they need it. SaVia does that with data for clinicians.
The Solution Diagram

SaVia Health is software that coordinates the work of physicians and care teams so that patients can get the right care at the right time even in the most complex processes.

For example, when a patient gets sepsis (a very dangerous infection) you have only 3 hours to take a series of critical steps coordinated across many different departments in order to save the life of the patient. SaVia is the software that clinicians can use to design those steps and provide insight on the entire care process.

We empower clinicians in their care of patients with software that highlights their best processes to get patients back to health.

William Beninati
We have been able to save many lives.
This dashboard allowed us to function as a system and it was a major contribution for how Utah as a state functioned, to make sure we had used every little nook and cranny of capacity to get people in [during Covid].

Bill Beninati, MD
Leader, Telehealth

Tom Burton
SaVia is a game changer.
EMRs today do not support clinical decision making. SaVia addresses this major limitation brilliantly – it allows clinicians to author their own care process models, providing critical data at the right point in the workflow.

Tom Burton
Founder, Health Catalyst

If you take it away from me, I will quit.
I don't want to say I wish everything ran that smoothly. But, if everything ran that smoothly, everyone's job would be so much easier.

Carrie Winberg
Leader, Respiratory Care

Colin Grissom
Patients lives were saved having these tools in place.
You also discover things that are happening that are not best practice. Some of which you may not be able to discover retrospectively.

Colin Grissom, MD
Leader – ICU Operations, Critical Care

Erick Ridout
You actually have actionable information.
Each individual in the system knows a little bit about it but this lets everybody know everything, and most importantly, the patient's actual care experience or the voice of the patient.

Erick Ridout, MD
Neonatologist, ICU

Brent James
SaVia is becoming what I'd hoped for at the beginning...
...true, modern software that has the most potential of any technology I’ve seen in my career to make a real and meaningful difference in the way optimal care is delivered to patients.

Brent James, MD
Leader in Healthcare Transformation

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